3 Factors To Consider Before Getting Dental Implants
Dental implants offer a dependable solution when dentists need to restore a missing tooth or teeth. A dental implant procedure does more than provide patients with fake teeth, though. The implant offers stability in the mouth, preserves the health of surrounding teeth, and restores your ability to chew comfortably and smile confidently. If a potential implant procedure is on the horizon, make sure it’s the right choice for you with these factors to consider before getting dental implants.
Your Oral Health and Habits
As with any dental procedure, good oral hygiene is crucial before and after a dental implant. A healthy dental routine that includes brushing and flossing properly helps preserve the function and appearance of your remaining teeth. After the procedure, taking care of your teeth helps your implants last and prevents further dental issues.
The Type of Implant You Need
There are different types of dental implants for different oral needs. Single tooth replacement is a procedure for restoring one missing tooth in your mouth. Implant-supported bridges replace up to three teeth. For larger implants, you might want snap-on dentures or more permanent full-arch fixed implant bridges.
No matter what type of implant you and your dentist decide on, it’s essential that you know what to expect on the day of your procedure. Ask questions ahead of time to get a clear idea of what will happen and how it will affect your oral health. The more you understand about your dental implants, the more confident you can be on the day of and during the recovery period of your procedure.
The Experience of Your Dentist
Dental implants are a safe and reliable way to restore your smile, but it’s still normal to feel nervous before a procedure. Working with the right dentist helps you feel comfortable and confident about your upcoming implants. One of the factors to consider before getting dental implants is who will be performing the procedure. Choose a dentist who walks you through the process and helps you feel at ease.
If you need dental implants in Portland, the team at Woodstock Smiles is here to help. With years of experience and a passion for friendly, personal service, we’re here to make your procedure as smooth and comfortable as possible. Visit us today to learn more and schedule your consultation.