5 Simple Ways You Can Prevent Gum Disease

5 Simple Ways You Can Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease impacts oral health with uncomfortable symptoms like bad breath, bleeding gums, and inflammation. Fortunately, there are five simple ways you can prevent gum disease. Integrate this advice into your routine.

Practice Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is the foundation of preventing periodontal disease. You should brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Doing so removes bacteria, plaque, and food particles from your mouth. You don’t want plaque buildup to turn into tarter, which is hard to remove and can inflame your gums. Be diligent and consistent with your oral hygiene routine.

Schedule Dental Cleanings

Scheduling dental cleanings is a simple way you can prevent gum disease. You should have teeth cleanings every six months. Your dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth and can detect oral health issues.

Even if you suffer from periodontal disease, your dentists can help you navigate the condition. Preventative dental services can help prevent receding gums and other problems.

The dentist is here to help you maintain a healthy smile. Please attend all your appointments and listen to oral health advice.

Drink Plenty of Water

Saliva is one of our body’s best natural defenses against dental plaque. After you eat, your body produces more saliva to wash away plaque and food particles. Outside of saliva, water can also wash away plaque. You can maintain healthy teeth by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

But please keep in mind that certain beverages like coffee or alcohol dehydrate rather than hydrate your body. Furthermore, sugary drinks can cause tooth decay and lead to cavities.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is important for your overall health. In addition, it’s good for your smile. As previously mentioned, sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay. The bacteria in plaque feed on carbs and sugar, releasing acids that can damage your teeth and gums.

While you don’t have to eliminate sugars, be mindful of your intake. You don’t want to accelerate tooth decay. Check the nutritional information on packaged food to avoid items containing high levels of sugar.

Pro Tip

Swishing mouthwash after you eat can flush out excess food particles from your mouth. Thus, reducing overall bacteria.

Boost Your Vitamin C Intake

Did you know that Vitamin C deficiency is a leading cause of gum disease? Eating more Vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, strawberries, and kiwis can increase your resistance to gum disease.

Vitamin C also has healing properties that stop gums from bleeding and swelling, which are common symptoms of gum disease. Vitamin C supplements are beneficial if you prefer an alternative to eating nutrient-rich foods.